28 July 2024

Thanksgiving XI ~

21-27 July:  In the past week, I was thankful for the availability of my care-er while D.D. and her hubby were working on the house up in Weippe (for you non-locals, it's pronounced wee-eyep); thankful for beautiful scenes of harvest (and fields ALMOST ready for harvesting) across Camas Prairie; thankful for this reminder from Psalm 119:29-30 where it is written: " Remove from me the way of falsehood and unfaithfulness [to You], and graciously impart Your law to me. I have chosen the way of truth and faithfulness; Your ordinances have I set before me." (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition); thankful for access to medical care just up the hill and around the corner from where I live; thankful for my primary medical provider who has great care for her senior patients (and for the nephrologist I see who's watching my CRF status); thankful my heart's agreement with Peter's words as recorded in Matthew 16:15-16 where we read: "But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.'" (New International Version); thankful for the simple joys available to all of us with no cost except time - music performed or simply appreciated, visits with family and friends, reviewing pleasant memories, and so much more; I was thankful for a positive visit with my kidney doctor; thankful for these words from Hosea 2:19-20: ". . . I will bind you to me forever with chains of righteousness and justice and love and mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness and love, and you will really know me then as you never have before." (The Living Bible); thankful for my precious family and the love that flows around and through us; thankful that the dear four-legged critters (and us two-leggeds as well!) are tolerating a hot spell; thankful for the message from Psalm 112:4-6: "Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people— God’s grace and mercy and justice! The good person is generous and lends lavishly; No shuffling or stumbling around for this one, but a sterling and solid and lasting reputation. Unfazed by rumor and gossip, heart ready, trusting in God, spirit firm, unperturbed, ever blessed, relaxed among enemies, they lavish gifts on the poor— a generosity that goes on, and on, and on. An honored life! A beautiful life!" (MSG); thankful for the i-net updates on family's events; thankful for early waking on a gorgeous summer morning; thankful for the precious prayers found in the Bible, like this one from Psalm 116:12-13 where we read: " What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?  I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord." (King James Version); thankful to know of the exceeding great love of the Creator for all His children here on planet Earth; thankful that all who know Him are entitled to share this good news in any way we know how;  thankful for this message from Hebrews 11:1,6 where the Word reads: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for [one] that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He [rewards those who] diligently seek Him." (King James Version, my paraphrase); thankful for Jesus, my Kinsman-Redeemer, my Substitute, my Advocate; thankful for my family - to the third and fourth generations; and I was thankful for these words from Hebrews 12:1 where they are written: "What about us, then? We have such a great cloud of witnesses all around us! What we must do is this: we must put aside each heavy weight, and the sin which gets in the way so easily. We must run the race that lies in front of us, and we must run it patiently." (New Testament for Everyone).

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