22 April 2024

Thanksgiving XI ~

14-20 April:  During the past week, I was thankful for sunlight and the forecast April showers that are promising bouquets in the near future; thankful for homemade porridge and blueberries for my breakfast in the morning; thankful for these beautiful words from Habakkuk 3:17-19: "Though the fig tree doesn’t bloom, and there’s no produce on the vine; though the olive crop withers, and the fields don’t provide food; though the sheep are cut off from the pen, and there are no cattle in the stalls; I will rejoice in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my deliverance. The Lord God is my strength. He will set my feet like the deer. He will let me walk upon the heights" (Common English Bible); thankful for sunshine AND rain, the"female rain", the Dine' people call it, that gently waters a thirsty earth ("male rain" is rain of a different sort!); thankful that the Creator formed both female and male in fauna AND flora species as evidence of a relational nature among the Godhead; thankful for the Scripture's admonition found in Romans 13:4-6 where it is written: "... The ruler is a servant of God called to serve and benefit you. But he is also a servant of God executing wrath upon those who practice evil.... So submission is not optional; it’s required. But don’t just submit for the sake of avoiding punishment; submit and abide by the laws because your conscience leads you to do the right thing. Pay your taxes for the same reason because the authorities are servants of God, giving their full attention to take care of these things." (VOICE) - cf Matthew 22:21; thankful for the warmth of sunlight streaming through my window; thankful for the warmth of the love from family and friends that fills my life; thankful to know of the great love of God for ALL His earthly children, desiring their salvation as noted by the words of 2 Peter 3:9 where we read: "The Lord is not being slow about the promise [of His coming] as some regard slowness, but He is being patient toward you, not wishing any to perish, but all to make-room for repentance" (Disciples Literal New Testament); thankful for all the wonderful promises in God's Word, what hope we have as we take them for ourselves; I was thankful for a terrific group of sisters-in-faith; thankful that every day I am "[crowned] with lovingkindness and tender mercies" (Psalm 103:4; New King James Version); thankful for another sunrise - streams of golden and pink light reflecting off a streaked cloud layer; thankful for the bird-feeders hanging in the big tree outside my window and attracting busy flocks of goldfinches (and sometimes a squirrel or two!); thankful for this truth from Romans 10:9-10 where we read: ". . . If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and in your heart you have faith that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Trusting with the heart leads to righteousness, and confessing with the mouth leads to salvation" (Common English Bible);

thankful for the insights that can come during wakeful night hours; thankful for the multitudes of tender mercies that fill my life every day - ". . .great is Thy faithfulness!"; thankful for this "good news" from 1 Corinthians 15:20-22: ". . . Now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive" (King James Version); thankful for the Sabbath, a weekly remembrance of our Creator and His completed work - a day to learn of Him, to enjoy all He has done; thankful for the anticipation of the Communion service to be observed today with our Grangeville Church family; and I was thankful to read these words from 1 Corinthians 15:55-57: " O death, where is your power? O death, where are your pains? The pain in death is sin. Sin has power over those under the Law. But God is the One Who gives us power over sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. We give thanks to Him for this." (New Life Version).

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